P.O.V The Pod Factory Client
When buying a Pod from The Pod Factory, there’s a process. The process allows for me (the client) to get my dream pod, and for The Pod Factory to build my dream pod as quickly and easily as possible. Follow along my story to see why The Pod Factory is the leading Pod manufacturer in the country.
After thinking about some home improvements for a while, we have been looking at different options for our garden but there’s so many choices! A shed, Log cabin, Garden room, a Pod.
A shed and log cabin were ruled out as they just weren’t big enough, and after seeing both Instagram and Facebook of The Pod Factory we decided to give them a call.
The first part of the process is the initial call, the first step into our new Pod. We described what we are looking for and were given some information, then left our phone number for a member of their sales team to call us back! Within just a few minutes our phone began to ring. A member of the sales team was on the line ready to give us all the information we could ever need on what we wanted. A lead time of just 8 weeks, a steel framed structure so will last a lifetime, insulated with EPS and Earthwool and fully customisable for whatever we need. The phone call ended with us booking a visit to the showrooms later that week, with the work schedules we thought it would be a hassle booking an appointment during office hours but The Pod Factory is so accommodating and worked around us for an out of hours appointment.

Visit to the Showroom
Next up is the visit to the showroom. Wow! The Pods on show are just amazing! After parking up, a member of the sales team greeted us and brought us around each of the Pods on show. There’s a studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom Pod all furnished and looking amazing. When in the Pod 52, we all sat at the dining table and discussed what it was we were actually looking for. With each Pod being fully bespoke, the prices will vary depending on what we choose to have. For the interior, we had a choice of what colour kitchen we wanted, we chose white and added in some kitchen appliances too, a fridge freezer, washing machine and dryer. We were unsure about how we wanted the layout to look, but The Pod Factory staff worked with us every step of the way. Here we were given an estimate of price for what we wanted. The Pod Factory say “The difference is quality” and they’re right, the build quality is was above the garden rooms we looked at. The estimate we received was within a pre agreed budget we had, so we were excited to move forward.
We have an idea of how big the Pod will be, and we know where abouts we want it place on our land, so next comes the survey of the site. Measurements are taken, to see where the Pod will go and to fix it up to the connections that were needed: Electricity, sewerage etc.
Once we gave a design the OK then the lead time to delivery is just 8 weeks, so we were eager to get the design of the Pod signed off. A few emails back and forth and we had it. Our perfect Pod! It was so easy! Once we had an idea of what layout we wanted, The Pod Factory went with it and worked on it. Once we had a design, we received the actual quotation including delivery, installation and transportation and paid 50% of the fee up front as the deposit.
A few weeks pass, in those weeks we confirmed again what colour of kitchen we wanted, what colour rainscreen, where abouts the sink would go in the kitchen, everything was completely up to us, even where the windows will go and what type of windows they would be. We opted for a few standard floor to ceiling windows with a tilt and turn window in the dining area.

Delivery of the Pod
Next come the groundworks. The Pod won’t just sit on the ground, and it doesn’t sit on a slab of concrete. Instead, the Pod will be sitting on pad foundations that will be put into the ground by The Pod Factory. Again, a quick job that was dealt with professionally by the company.
With the rest of the fee paid, now comes delivery! The day that we’ve been waiting for since the day we set eyes on the showrooms pods. We were given a brief run through of how it would go beforehand to ease any worries we had but everything was under control. The crane and it’s team arrived and was all set up in a matter of minutes! This definitely isn’t their first rodeo! Then comes a rumbling of the lorries that are delivering the Pod. Wrapped in shrink wrap to protect it on its journey, the Pod arrives! We can’t believe it! After the Pod is unwrapped, still on the back of the lorry the crane lifts it high into the air, avoiding the trees and telegraph poles and we see it moving through the sky for it to be placed perfectly on to the pads that were laid a week earlier.
That’s it. It’s here. The Pod Factory staff will be here for a day or two to do a few small touch ups, but that’s just how easy The Pod Factory make buying a high-quality garden Pod off them.
We would 100% recommend The Pod Factory to anyone that is thinking of home improvements, a garden room or extension in the future.
Taking all of the above into account, why not give The Pod Factory a call on 0469026911 or get in touch here and we’ll be able to give you your dream bespoke garden room that will last a lifetime and that is ready to be lived in 365 days a year. The difference is quality!