Working from home after the pandemic
Remote working, or working from home is here to stay. Brought into place by the COVID pandemic, the working from home strategy has proved to be a favourite amongst most of the working people of Ireland. According to a recent study, 95% of people want to continue working from home after the pandemic is over.
With this, brings a problem. For many, working from home involves a make shift office in where ever there is spare room in your house. Whether that be a spare bedroom or sharing the kitchen table with your family. The lack of a professional working environment can lead to distractions, interruptions and below standard work. The Pod Factory has a solution.
95% of people want to continue working from home after the pandemic is over.

Pod 17 – The Perfect Garden Room Office
Our Pod 17 is the perfect remote working space measuring 3.6 x 5.8 metres, insulated with EPS and Earthwool then wrapped in an air tightness membrane so you can work in comfort all year round. Fitted with double glazed aluminium windows and doors allows natural light to fill the Pod.
On average, working from home saves the average person over €4,000 per year. So, an investment into an office Pod is an investment into your future. Our Pods are built to last a lifetime, and you run no risk of the Pod rotting, twisting or cracking due to the MFC steel frame structure – not timber, like many other garden rooms on the market.
Taking all of the above into account, why not give The Pod Factory a call on 0469026911 or get in touch here and we’ll be able to give you your dream bespoke garden room that will last a lifetime and that is ready to be lived in 365 days a year. The difference is quality!